May Celebrations...

May Celebrations - Days 1 Through 8:


Looking for the perfect personal gift for the birthday girl, graduate or your significant other? Try personalizing your gift with a birthstone. It will make that gift of jewelry stand out from the ordinary. How considerate and thoughtful!


Mother Goose Day
Amtrak Day
Executive Coaching Day
Keep Kids Alive! Drive 25 Day
Law Day
New Homeowner's Day
Silver Star Day
Stepmother's day
No Pants Day
Space Day
Tuba Day
Frequent Flyer Day
Law Day
Lei Day B>

May Day
Save The Rhino Day
Cherrios First Sold (1941)
MR. POTATO HEAD IS INTRODUCED (1952) Who doesn't just love Mr. Potato Head and of course, his wife, Mrs. Potato head? What creative fun! Pick up a few boxes of this wonderful classic toy, have a few friends over and let your imaginations run wild. Divide into teams and creative a favorite TV or movie character and have the other team try to guess who it is. You may have to give a few hints along the way. If you want to be more creative, wash a bag of potatoes and provide your guests with variuos items to don on the spuds. For example, carrots, celery, parsley, mushrooms, assorted beads, cotton, etc. Wow, you will surely be remembered for this May Celebration!
Loyalty Day

ShindigZ Graduation Party Supplies

National Truffles Day
Baby Day Today, be sure to check out our Baby Boutique for some fantastic gifts for the "little one". And don't forget our Toy Treasures as well...
Brothers And Sisters Day
Astronomy Day
Join Hands Day
Roberts Rule of Order Day
Free Comic Book Day
National Homebrew Day
National Scrapboking Day
Good Housekeeping Magazine First Published (1885)

World Press Freedom Day
Paranormal Day
National Day Of Reason
National Public Radio Day
Garden Meditation Day
Lumpy Rug Day
National Two Different Colored Shoes Day
National Raspberry Popover Day

Black Hound New York Congratulations Gifts

National Space Day
Respect For Chickens Day
Star Wars Day
International Fire Fighter's Day
Day Of Prayer
National Candied Orange Peel Day

Cinco de Mayo
Totally Chipotle Day
National Hoagie Day
Cartoonists Day
Pilates Day
National Teacher Day
Oyster Day

Nurse's Day
No Homework Day
National Crepe Suzette Day
Beverage Day
NO DIET DAY Our kind of grand party day. No diet, no restrictions as to the menu that you can work with today. Have a diverse menu planned of items that would normally be "given up" on a diet and allow your guests to enjoy. Don't make too much food though because tomorrow we will all be back on our diets.

National Tourist Appreciation Day
National Day of Reason
First Kodak Camera's Went On Sale
National Roasted Leg Of Lamb Day


Weddings are just around the corner...Time to start thinking about those unique shower and bridal favors. For great favors, be sure to visit:

Unique Gifts & Wedding Favors by HansonEllis


National Teacher's Day
Have a Coke Day
Military Spouse Appreciation Day
National Coconut Cream Pie Day
No Socks Day
World Red Cross Day

A quarter of May is over and we have more than an ample reasons to party during the month. Let's go to Days 9 Through 16 and see what they have in store for us.

Click here to exit May Celebrations: days 1 Through 8 and return to Reasons To Party 2.